Rocketman Social Club LLC.

Our Mission


Here at RocketMan Social Club, we are seeking to bring this topic to the forefront of thought and imagination. This ideally will cause a wave of creativity and focus on advancement that will benefit humanity as a whole. Our goal is to provide real footage of launches and interviews with major names in the space industry so that information can be shared in both directions
This is in the hope that new inventions and advancements can be made through this community that would make further exploration and even colonization possible and cost effective. It is our hope and goal to bring this into fruition – soon.


We Report What We See, We Interview, And We Research The FACTS.

We are a team of regular, blue-collar people just like you. We go out to where space research, development and exploration is happening or launching from. We get in contact with The who’s who of space exploration and land interviews. We research what is happening and provide citation of our information. We support only facts, and will do our best to verify every detail before posting about topics here. We are dedicated to bringing the most pertinent information to you, the public. In this, the public will be informed and be more prepared to make their voices heard on the topic of space and colonization.


Contribute To The Community. Our products help to fund our search. We have no investors and no funding from anyone but our crew at this time. With your contributions, we will be able to expand the community as well as our mission. The proceeds from the store go to getting interviews, upgrading equipment, website updates, and eventually we would like to fund space faring and technology organizations. Thank you so much for any contributions you or anyone you know make or have made. We will absolutely make the most of it!